Originally Posted by BatteryPowered
Tonight I will look in the books (rule and case) to see exactly when the ball would have become dead and study the relevant examples.
Basketball Fundamentals:
3. A goal is made when a live ball enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through unless canceled by a throw-in violation or a player-control foul.
16. The official’s whistle seldom causes the ball to become dead (it is already dead).
ART. 7
The ball becomes dead, or remains dead, when:
A foul, other than player-control or team-control, occurs (see exceptions a, b and c below).
ART. 9
The ball becomes dead, or remains dead, when:
A violation, as in Rule 9, Sections 2 through 13, occurs (see exception d below).
EXCEPTION: The ball does not become dead until the try or tap ends, or until the airborne shooter returns to the floor, when:
a. Article 5, 6, or 7 occurs while a try or tap for a field goal is in flight.
b. Article 5 or 7 occurs while a try for a free throw is in flight.
c. Article 7 occurs by any opponent of a player who has started a try or tap for goal (is in the act of shooting) before the foul occurred, provided time did not expire before the ball was in flight. The trying motion must be continuous and begins after the ball comes to rest in the player's hand(s) on a try or touches the hand(s) on a tap, and is completed when the ball is clearly in flight. The trying motion may include arm, foot or body movements used by the player when throwing the ball at his/her basket.
d. Article 9 as in 9-3-3 or 9-13-1, occurs by an opponent.
NOTE: If A1's try or tap is legally touched in flight, the goal counts if made, if the period ends before or after the legal touching. If the touching is interference or goaltending by A, no points are scored. If B violates, the points are awarded - either two or three depending on whether it was a two or three-point try or tap.