Fan Ejection
Not an official, but looking for input from officials on proper procedure.
Background info.
PA Boys V game, late 3rd quarter. Referee gives T (Visiting team B) for hanging on the rim after a dunk. While not the most egregious infraction it was more than enough to warrant a call (no safety issues and definite chin up motion before letting go).
Fan of Team B, who has been seen joking with at least 1 other member of the 3 person crew throughout the game, obviously does not like the call. He is sitting center court, 1st row, directly across from scorers table.
Referee in question has the ball to inbound for start of 4th quarter (obviously positioned right near fan in question). Referee stops, crosses court to table and asks for game manager and indicates the fan needs to be removed. Ok, game manager attempts to go do just that, fan refuses.
Meanwhile they restart game play (amusing side note, official on table side of court was talking to fans when they eventually did inbound to start 4th quarter, had to be told by Team B coach that game had started). Game manager, and now District Facilities Manager (he is there because his son is a player for JV Team A), continues to ask person to leave. Other fans of Team B begin defending him and verbally abusing the district personnel. Police are called but don't arrive until the fan has left (1 minute left in the game, with outcome decided) on his own. One of the other fans in question ended up getting more grilling by the police than the fan who instigated the issue.
I feel the official put the school personnel in a tough spot by demanding the ejection and then ignoring the situation. Should the official have held play until fan left (or at least moved from center court)? Since most districts do not let their game workers physically touch someone to remove them, does this request not just ask for verbal confrontations to continue (now with school personnel instead of official)? At least if the official holds play, then there is pressure for the fan to leave on his own (rather than police).
Please note, there had been no prior complaint by the official in question about the fan prior to removal being requested.
Just curious what other officials would do, or if there is specific procedures that should be followed if an fan removal is requested.