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Old Mon Dec 08, 2014, 10:12pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by jTheUmp View Post
Even if there was a hands-to-the-face foul, B81 is still sitting out the next down, as the (theoretical) foul didn't cause B81 to lose his helmet... B81 caused himself to lose his helmet. what point is the helmet considered "lost"? If illegal use of the hands by the opponent dislodged the helmet from a secure position, does it matter (to the need to sit out a down) what the player wearing it does to the helmet from there? Or is the player still considered to be wearing the helmet even if it's been knocked loose by such an act?

Also, was #81's throwing the helmet an unsportsmanlike act? He didn't look like he was throwing it demonstratively, nor using it as a weapon. OTOH, he could've simply dropped it once he had it in his hand, no need to throw it. But maybe he thought he could more quickly retrieve it after the play if he threw it in the direction he was going to run in.

There was a live-ball UC & DQ for throwing the helmet during this season in our club. I didn't see it thrown, so can't say whether it was demonstrative or dangerous, but it may be that the very act of throwing it, no matter where or how, is UC. I explain to the kids that the helmets are fragile without a head in them, so they should never be thrown or sat on.
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