Thread: Gender Wars....
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Old Thu Nov 20, 2014, 05:45pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by DRJ1960 View Post
Assuming (I have seen no written documentation from the schools)

[a] the communication was "back channel"... ie nothing written down... and
[b] knowing the implied threat of losing contracts (There is a larger, well respected BB Association in our area who would be glad to replace us).

Would we continue to "poke the bear" and lose our Association or would we knuckle under?

BNR--- These are VHSL schools
And this is one of many reasons why schools shouldn't have the ability to more or less arbitrarily choose their association. It is basically a conflict of interest. It should be managed by the state or regional organization.

Here, schools are assigned by the state to each organization based on geography. Those on the bordering areas and request for a change but they have to have a good reason. New organizations can and do form but it keeps most of the underhandedness out of it.

If there is a real problem, then the schools can get a change, but they have to justify it.
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