Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP
With all due respect, the same argument (gauging interest in a vaccuum, etc.) could be and has been made in regard to the traditionally underrepresented gender in (insert anything here). (-See pre-1972 for anti-Title IX arguments; e.g. "We'd be hard pressed to find 6 teams with enough participants to field a girls' league, therefore, this isn't really an issue in these parts.")
Officiating and finding officials are two different things. I run a new official's class every year and I am lucky if one women even attends the class.
Men, who did not play, who did not even have an athletic background get into officiating a lot more than a big time female athlete that might have coached, we cannot get them into the ranks. I can hardly think of 10 females in my area that work a heavy high school schedule. Almost all of them work college ball.