Thread: Gender Wars....
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Old Wed Nov 19, 2014, 05:30pm
BigCat BigCat is offline
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Originally Posted by DRJ1960 View Post
Our Association has been instructed by the schools not to send female officials to do boys varsity contests. (Yes, males are allowed to work girls games).

Ask whomever told you this to put that request in writing and to identify the schools that are part of the request by name because you want to contact them directly. . request a meeting immediately to discuss because your association feels this is outrageous. you assign referees not men or women….

1. they probably won't do either. but the point is to let somebody on their end know this isn't going to go away.
2. if they list the schools, send it to each school board identified and ask them if this is truly the position of this district in 2014….
3. also mail it to local newspaper and tv station.

Schedule your season as you normally would. don't load them up with women but don't change for their benefit. if they turn woman away see number 3. good luck.
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