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Old Sun Nov 16, 2014, 02:19am
kstiles99 kstiles99 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 70
Free-throw airball question

Just a quick question… As trail on the first free-throw of a two shot foul, and the ball completely misses the rim, should the whistle be blown? I had a game the other day where my partner insisted that I blow the ball dead on the first shot if the ball did not hit the rim. I know the ball should be blown dead if the shot missed and was to remain in play. I'm not familiar with the occurrence on the first throw, and can't find it in the manual, so I decided to ask you guys. It felt funny putting my hand up and saying "the ball didn't hit the rim, one shot", when the lead could easily just pick the ball up under the basket and say "one shot."

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