A lot of you regulars know I gave up reffing a while back due to my heart operation. I've been living in an assisted living center since then. This Friday, I'll be wearing my uniform for Halloween. Each of the residents here "teams up" with a staff member who hangs out with him (or her) during the day. We're supposed to wear costumes that somehow tie in with each other. My staffer is in his late twenties and will be wearing a Portland Trailblazer jersey and some shorts.
We've been talking about it and he knows that if he gives me any lip, I'll give him a technical. Oh yeah, I'll have to remember to soak my whistle in some antiseptic mouthwash the night before. Also - I"m giving T's out to anyone who doesn't give us candy.
There's a rumor going around that one of the nurses will be giving out morphine. Now that's a real treat!