Originally Posted by JRutledge
I am going to suspect that no one here is upset or hurt by your comments. I think the fact is that you did not read the comments that started this conversation about this issue of time and distance between touches. You went after me saying I was creating a personal issue/interpretation that was previously discussed by others using a level that many of us here do not work or know about. Then you dismissed a point of view as if it was silly and when asked a question in return, you blow it off with "seriously?"
Right or wrong, this is a healthy discussion and should be treated as such. This is why I asked my higher ups what they thought and did they feel the NCAAW's interpretation should apply to the high school game in my state. But what tends to be sad sometimes is that people cannot separate their personal feelings towards people to have a serious discussion about facts that were mentioned in the actual topic. Rather they would like to assume someone is ignoring a rule because it does not fit their position that was never addressed by the main governing body.
You should also suspect that I am not upset or hurt by anything here either...and I am not the one that called anyone names. Not my problem if BNR can't handle having a conversation.
I have no personal issues with either BNR or you...but it has been pointed out that the NF and NCAA-W rules are the same, and still people say "Nope, not gonna call it that way cause I'm going to use (fill in whatever you want to here)"...