Thread: Sunshine delay
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Old Tue Oct 21, 2014, 10:03am
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo View Post
I am sure some/most of you have had this, but it was a first for me.

Tournament this weekend, 6:30PM game, and the sun was setting just above the treeline perfectly and directly in straight away CF.

Catcher wasn't ready, so Coach went to take the first warm up pitch, and was almost killed by it. Luckily he caught the pitch, but he made a very strange noise in the process.

I delayed the start of the game by about 10 minutes.
Strangest weather delay I have ever seen.
Hasn't happened to me personally, but I have seen it at a tournament I was working.

Men's FP tournament, game is in about the 3rd or 4th inning as the sun is setting behind center field. New inning starts, first pitch comes in, catcher has to move his glove at the last minute to catch the ball.

PU: Hey, catch....could you see that pitch?
Catcher: Not really, that sun is brutal.
PU: Agreed....TIME!

About a ten minute delay until the sun dropped below the horizon and the game continued.

This was in July.

Would you stop the game if any of the fielders had the sun in their eyes? Certainly don't stop the game if the umpire has the sun in their eyes?
I can deal with the sun in my eyes, but if I'm the PU, I want to make damn sure that the catcher can see the ball....
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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