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Old Tue Oct 14, 2014, 08:35am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by stratref View Post
I hope you mean kick catching interference. Illegal touching of a free kick is not a penalty in NFHS. Not saying it is not a foul, just the term "Illegal Touching" doesn't apply to a free kick in NFHS. There is first touching if within the neutral zone or KCI if touched before touching the ground, regardless if there was an R player in position to catch the ball.

Personal pet peeve of mine because of the 2-3 dozen times I have had to wipe off flags and explain to coaches why they don't get a "re-kick" after a first touching violation.

As for the video, looks completely legal to me for NCAA rules as I know them (Disclaimer, I don't work NCAA rules at any level but occasionally look up differences because of a request of a HS coach who had a rule wrong, or though a NCAA rule applied. It really makes a difference if a coach is a former college coach.

Between the RFP and the kick, no player can be more than 5 yards from K's restraining line. Appears one player is. That's a live ball illegal formation foul.
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