Before we go trapsing down the rabbit hole let's go back to the OP.
Juxone asked:
K kicks the ball during opening kickoff, ball goes 40 yards. two K players make contact with return team BEFORE ball is touched? Illegal block?
I looked up the rule and the case play and gave him the cite. If I came off brusque, it wasn't my intention. He asked a question, I gave him the reference to look up and come to his conclusion. I saw no need to elaborate
This particular play, no "bowling overs" , no other added dimensions from the original posed scenario; this is a typical, everyday ordinary kickoff. K can engage R blockers as the ball has traveled the necessary 10 yards, probably through the air as usual. Have you seen or ever flagged K yet for this? No and I hope not.
Now as to "bowling over". If R and K are engaging to block, R certainly should be expecting to block oncoming K players. Unless some hit by K was unnecessarily rough, why in the world should we think this is some added issue to consider?
As to KCI-
6-ART. 6 . . . While any free kick is in flight in or beyond the neutral zone to the receiver's goal line or any scrimmage kick is in flight beyond the neutral zone to the receiver's goal line, K shall not:
a. Touch the ball or R, unless blocked into the ball or R, or to ward off a blocker; or