Thread: TD or NO TD
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Old Wed Oct 08, 2014, 02:19pm
Welpe Welpe is offline
Archaic Power Monger
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Originally Posted by ajmc View Post
Someone of your (self) apparent superior knowledge, vast experience and expertise should have no DIFFICULTY in explaining that to me, referencing some specific NFHS Rule reference, Case Book confirmation, Point of Emphasis or other documented conclusion.
That's been attempted before and ends up with a lot banging of heads against walls. I proffered my own explanation and I'll leave it at that.

As for consistency, during those years I worked at the NCAA Division II and III level, I tried to maintain distinction between NCAA and NFHS Rules and practices.
These times are a changin'. More and more we are seeing fundamental philosophies of all three levels coming in line with each other as the years pass. This is influenced by NFL officials becoming conference coordinators and passing down these philosophies to their conference staff. In turn, the NCAA officials in clinics and as high school supervisors pass down these philosophies to the high school level. We are seeing it with not only philosophies but also actual rule changes and mechanics. Seven man crews are common in many states and are even required in a few. This is directly influenced from the collegiate level.

This is a good thing and should be celebrated as progress in officiating. We need to keep changing as the game changes. It is done in other sports, most notably internationally in soccer and it works quite well.

There will always be some things that are different between levels and that is to be expected to adjust for the level of the game.

In many, dare I say most, areas of the country this is not regarded as a catch and it shouldn't be.

As an aside, when the definition of an inbounds player changes in NFHS to match NCAA, I do not suspect you'll be complaining.
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