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Old Mon Oct 06, 2014, 07:56am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
This is irrelevant to OP's question. This deals with a change to the definition of LGP, not when LGP is required to have been established.

If you would find me a PDF with the new rule change I would happily recant my position

My copy of the 2014-2015 rules still has the "upward motion" language.
It is not irrelevant. The rulebook is in a two year cycle of being published, so changes often are not going to reflect those changes immediately as they should. So it does matter if the rule was changed and the rule appears to be changed. When I first commented, I could not find any Arbiter evidence that the rule was changed, but pointed out by another poster it was there.

According to Art Hyland and his PowerPoint on Arbiter, the NCAAM went back to the old rule and changed what language is being used when the player goes airborne. Sorry if you were not aware of the rules going back to being changed and this is also why I stated what I did in the first place.

I had previously overlooked the Art Hyland PowerPoint, but here is the main point to the rules change. For some reason it is under last year's rules information, but no other rules video stuff is online yet (either NAIA or NCAA stuff)

Review committee actions for 2014-15:

Rule 4-17.4.d – Airborne shooter/passer-legal guarding position

1. Return to prior rule
2. Exception to requirements to establish initial legal guarding position
3. Must establish legal guarding position before player with ball leaves floor
4. Upward motion of arms no longer a determining factor
5. If defender establishes legal guarding position before shooter becomes airborne, defender may jump straight in the air or move backwards

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)

Last edited by JRutledge; Mon Oct 06, 2014 at 09:15am.
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