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Old Fri Oct 03, 2014, 04:40am
APG APG is offline
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If you're talking about the four automatics added to the rule book with regard to handchecking, there are some great examples on the NBA's video rulebook here:

Video Rule Book - Home for two hands/repeated jabbing

Video Rule Book - Home for extended forearm

Don't get caught up in the verbiage used in the video.While the NBA has had these rules for awhile (and with the trickle effect being what it is, we're finally seeing the absolutes under NFHS rules), there are still good examples of plays that are automatics at the NFHS level this year.

In the kind of near future may put together a full clips/montage/reel of handcheck automatics in collaboration with JMF.
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Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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