Thread: Horse-Collar
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Old Fri Sep 26, 2014, 02:41pm
Sturno Sturno is offline
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Originally Posted by mrerrl View Post
Is there still a penalty for B if B1 has his inside the collar and B2 and is hitting the runner backwards
If both defenders are engaged front and back, I say you have nothing - maybe a couple of words to the tackler from behind. I believe that was brought up and part of one of the NFHS transparencies brought to light when that rule came in right before all of our stuff went completely online. The action of the HC tackle has to be what takes runner to ground or the HC is off, is how I've always interpreted it.

That ready for some barking about an HC, because as you've seen even on Sundays, anything near an HC now is getting attention from the offended sideline, just like anything anywhere near a facemask always draws. I had a kid pulled down by the name placard 6-8 inches from being inside the opening and we had a QB grabbed in the front of the neck and pulled straight down last Friday night and there was howling from everyone within 400 if they could see it better or knew the definition of the HC to begin with.
Assumption Is The Mother Of All Screw-ups.....
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