Thread: Ejections
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Old Sun Dec 24, 2000, 12:28pm
chris s chris s is offline
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Posts: 508

Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by Ranger

I will not play the point by point rebuttal game. It has gotten so far off the subject of game management.

Let's stay off subject for a moment. Your "nickname" is military, harkening to that most elite of all US Army units. But in your very first posts, you echoed Marine Corps attitudes and terms. The Rangers I know would, shall we say, eschew references to the "wimps" at Semper Fi.

Also, your credibility would be greatly improved if we knew something about you: Your history of officiating, of posting in other forums (even if under different names); where you currently ply your trade, whether you still call NCAA-level games. Etc.

People like Warren and me run great risks when we post to the 'Net: We are who we are. For example, anyone interested can find my phone or FAX numbers. Anyone interested in "ranger" can....

Lah me, the anonymity of the non-registered "registered" Forum member. Ain't it grand?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
As I am what was known as an "ARMY brat", you are right on the "wimp" thing. 3 family members of mine have worn the beret. But maybe "Ranger" just likes Ford pick-ups????? Merry Christmas, Carl.

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