Sorry for joining this discussion a little late,but I must ask.What level ball are we talking about here that you coach?? Is it 12U or 10U?? If it is,you have got to be kidding me!!! At that age group,all you should be stressing to these young children are 1)Fundementals 2)Teamwork 3)Sportsmanship 4)and most of all having FUN!!! The umpires calls or perhaps YOUR desire to win should not be part of the equation.
While the rule book does define the strike zone,it is however subjective to the level of ball being played.I umpire Div 3 College,High School,ASA Womens Major,as well as all ages of the ASA youth program.If I called the "book strike zone"in Div 3 or HS Varsity in my area,I would be run out of there.We call nothing higher than a balls' width above the belt for the upper end of the zone,and nothing below the top of the knee.If I called that zone in a 12U game,I would be in for a very long night.There is no time limit on games here unless it is in tournament play.I set my strike zone to the level of play I am umpiring.In the 12U or 10U,I will call the full zone and then some realizing the difficulty pitchers at that age have at consistantly pitching in the zone.I try to make the game a little more enjoyable for the children at that age.Notice,I didnt say more enjoyable for the COACH.I explain in no uncertain terms to the coaches in these youth games at the pre game that I expect not to hear a word from them on judgement calls or they will spend their night in the parking lot.I believe sportmanship must be upheld at all costs,and yes even above winning, in these younger levels so the children learn respect for their opponents,the game, as well as the umpires.
NCAA certified
NFHS certified
ASA certified