Originally posted by chris s
Pard comes to me saying, "I think they want us to go check on those" I sez, "I saw that clearly under fence, F$$$ em" We both agree, F$$$ em! Scorekeeping bench coach then walks to me, "I got a question for YOU!" ( I heard him whining bout the fence call to anybody that would listen for the last 5 minutes, so I knew what he was gonna cry about) I then say, "What question would you have for me, you are not the manager, go away, hey catch, BALLS IN" I then walked away. 3 pitches later, pard(police officer) sent him packing.
Why take this attitude toward it when you could have just as easily said. "It has been explained to the manager please speak with him if you have problems." It could save you a lot of trouble sometimes. As a coach a parent and an umpire I can tell you that an umpire that brings that attitude on the field tends to get me a little irritated.
And as I look for it I notice that some of them are really good umpires but I have another level of respect for the ones who bring a "for the kids attitude" to the field.
Maybe you could try a new attitude to them and you may notice a lot more respect from parents, players and coaches.
BTW I'm sure you are a great umpire but sometimes attitude is just as important in jobs that have os much communication. Stay firm but be understanding.