Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
While I agree that your interpretation makes sense, it's not within the letter of the rule. Personally, I think this one of the most poorly written new rules I've seen in a while.
Not having a rule book in front of me, I'm at a loss for verbiage, but the MechanicGram from the test discussed this lightly.
The formation in the MechaniGram becomes illegal when the ball has been declared ready-for-play. K3, K4, K5 and K6 are all more than five yards from their free kick line. No K players, with the exception of the kicker may be more than five yards behind the kicking team’s free kick line. A player satisfies this rule when no foot is on or beyond the line five yards behind K’s free kick.
If one player is more than five yards behind the restraining line and any other player kicks the ball, it is a foul.
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