Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
The coach is going to complain to the UIC, assignor, AD, whatever authority will listen and who can affect future assignments
And the UIC or assignor should consider the validity of the coach's complaint. I don't expect that from an AD.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Are you accepting remuneration for your efforts? Have you not agreed to work under standards set by either the sanctioning body or association with whom that body has contracted your services? Do you not risk the loss of opportunity to continue should you fail or refuse to follow those rules and standards?
Sounds like a real job to me.
By "real job", I meant what one does for a living. While I know there are some out there officiating full time, I think they are a huge minority. My "real job" pays ~25 times what I earn officiating softball. It's safe to say that I'm considerably more willing to put up with ancillary BS from my superiors.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I don't think there was an umpire there that believed he couldn't handle the game, .....
Then the UIC did a disservice to the umpire as well as the entire umpire community by allowing the teams' perception to change their assignment.