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Old Sun Sep 07, 2014, 11:52am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
I may agree with you, but it's not exactly what the rule states (10-1-9: Fail to have all players return to the court at approximately the same time following a time-out or intermission), it's what the casebook play (10.1.9) states. The rule can be read a few different ways. I'm one who believes that the casebook play, especially one that deals with a very specific situation, as written, "trumps" the rule, as written, but I'm sure that others believe differently.
It sort of is only a penalty if some return at a different time than the rest. The implication in that the remaining player actually returns at a different time causing the infraction. Not returning isn't the infraction. To have a different time, both events must occur.
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