Originally Posted by Robert Goodman
This seems to be a good answer to my question as to why they shouldn't just have to forfeit. If NCAA's rules are so complicated and hard to get a clear answer in advance on re what's allowed on the uniform, forfeiting a game would be ridiculous. Then again, the rules are ridiculous themselves.
It's not the rules that are ridiculous, it's the fools who insist on trying to be really clever in doing something "special" to get around simple, basic, clear requirements. Rather than try and out-guess what some idiot thinks would be funny, and create a list of specific no-nos to put on uniforms, the rules made it really clear and simple. NO slogans, which covers, or should have, all the inventive ideas of the marketing department.
forfeit would be excessive, a good spanking or sending some marketing genious to bed without supper might do the trick.