Originally Posted by Juxone
In (HFHS) Free kick or scrimmage kick and the ball goes past the LOS:
If K catches or touches the ball before R- what is the call?
Free Kick: If K catches or touches the ball before it hits the ground, it's Kick Catching Interference. If they touch a grounded ball
before it's gone 10 yards, it's First Touching. If they touch a grounded ball
after it's gone 10 yards, it's nothing.
Scrimmage Kick: K can catch the ball only if no R player is in position to make a catch. If they touch it, it's First Touching.
If R muffs the kick under what condition can either side advance the ball? can K recover the ball? If the spot at first touching?
R can advance it. K can recover but not advance. (NOTE: If K recovers
behind the LOS, they can advance it.)
If R muffs the ball at the 35 and the ball bounces to the 12 can R still recover the ball or is it dead at the first touch
R can advance. First Touching only applies to K.