Originally Posted by Sturno
I don't really disagree, and would have no issue the other way....I'd like to see Wade's take on it, because there's at least 8 to 10 crews I know and/or have subbed with do it the same way, and quite a few of those go pretty deep in the playoffs or to Mad-town every year.
As far as the other jobs to do....you guys must come out late or really go deep into conversation with the chain crews and trainers with all the time you have left. 
We are on the field by 6:25PM. Every week. We're required to be there at 6:30PM, so I make sure we leave the school at 6:20PM.
We take the time after the coin toss to observe the teams, talk to the ball boys, etc. We put 4 officials on the 30 yard line on each sideline and the BJ on the 50. No huddling, no congregating. It's all bidness.
At some point, we'll talk to ball boys, greet the trainer, and at some point in the last couple of minutes, I'll personally thank the chain crew and remind them that I keep a fast pace (I act like I'm kidding, but I'm not).
Knowing Wade, he'd ask "what's in the manual?" That said, it's not the kind of thing that would make or break a deep playoff run, IMO.
Oh, and love the wide stripes.
Originally Posted by Welpe
Quite often around here we will have the actual coin toss off the field about 20-30 min before the game. Then we'll do a mock toss right before kick off.
The "simulated coin toss" has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen written in a manual/book. Thankfully, we simply do it at the 50-yard line -- at 20 minutes.
Conference rules dictate these kind of things.