Thread: Final TO
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Old Thu Jul 03, 2003, 10:55am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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"Carotto's Rules"

Originally posted by zebraman

Apparently the difference in reasoning between you and I is that I am able to distinguish a difference between the two things and I also have the reasoning power to understand the difference between following the rule about notifying coaches when they are out of time-outs and not calling every "by the book" 3-in-the-key. You see, calling 3-seconds when there is no advantage does not make the game better. It serves no purpose. Neither does calling a T when a coach is barely out of his/her box. Notifying a coach that they are out of time-outs serves a purpose and it also is a courtesy and helps establish a positive relationship between coach and official.
You cannot have it both ways. You cannot say on one hand, "you have to follow the rules," then make distictions that the rulebook does not make about calling 3 seconds or "coaching box violations." The rules do not speak about advantage/disadavantage for either, but you want to claim it is "Rut's Rules" when I make a distiction with this rule, just like anyone does with others. And remember Z, I am not the one handing out Ts left and right. I average less than one a year for my career. One of the reasons I do not have to give them, I am not in their face every two seconds to tell them something they are responsible for. Just like they are responsible for how many fouls their players have. But then again, you are in a basketball mecca state. So these are the major issues for the "all world" players and coaches that you have in your programs there I guess.

Originally posted by zebraman

What started this thread was that Hank Nichols, Bob D'Amato, Marty Shapiro, Don Shea, Tom Lopes and Jeff Nichols all said to notify the coach. Of course, their resumes are surely not as extensive as yours nor as extensive as the head clinician for your state of Illinois.
BTW, the individual I am talking about, worked 15 years in the Men's D1 and worked in the Big Ten. He is currently a College Assignor in the area and assigns a big HS Conference. And other current D1 Officials in attendence at his camp ,shared the same attitide. Oh, BTW again, one of the officials that runs this camp is a Big Time D1 Official who has done a National Championship Game and I beleive was in the Final Four this year (or very close). But do not forget, there was an offical in the original post that thought doing what you suggested was "schmoozing" the coaches. So I can see and understand that everyone does not agree on this issue. I also see how you did not mention his name because it did not jog with your opinions on this issue. But why not call his opinion, "Edgar Cartotto's Rules?" Or is that just not catchy for ya? And Cartotto has a belief I do not even share, I do not think you are schmoozing anyone by telling a coach anything, but that is the way he feels. I am not going to tell him to stop officiating because I disagree on this minor point. But then again, I will attend an NCAA Rules Meeting this October and I am sure I will meet some D1 Officials to ask. I do not know if you have ever been to one (probably not I see) but you see officials you watch on TV all the time that are in attendence. And BTW, Hank Nichols and Marcy Weston will be there. This might be the time to address this. Oh well, I digress.

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