Originally Posted by Rich
Sounds to me like people are using their positions to push their personal preference.
Reminds me of the people who figured out nonsense ways to effectively ban umpire helmets years ago (my favorite was requiring umpires to wear 4-stitch hats under them, even though they are designed to be worn without hats).
I suppose that is one way to look at it. My view is a bit different.
Every rule book that has an umpire section defines the umpire uniform (and equipment), so far as I know. Some parts are optional (chest protector, for example), some parts have alternate versions (different color combinations), some parts are required. Every one I know about requires a hat as a mandated part of the uniform.
Until that is changed, the desire to wear a different style mask/helmet that is designed to NOT have a hat simply doesn't meet the requirement. Just like a catcher's mask without a throat protector. So, either work to change the rule, or convince the manufacturers to design one that complies. Until then, the rule and the helmet are incompatible.
We have elected to be the enforcers of the rules as they apply to the game; that hat is part of the rules, like it or not.