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Old Sat Aug 02, 2014, 07:54am
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Originally Posted by jmkupka View Post
OK, slight hijack (to the only active thread )

The ol' obstruction call:
Say, in that prolonged rundown, runner is obstructed going toward home, maybe 10' from the plate. Might've been tagged out at home regardless (by the back-up fielder).
But, runner reverses direction, a few more throws back & forth, eventually tagged out by a hair sliding into 3B.
HTBT sure, but generally, with that sort of continuous rundown, are we protecting the runner to the bag where they finally get tagged?
To start, you are protecting them between the bases where the OBS occurred. Don't confuse "protection" with "award". The two may often be the same, but not always.

The runner is awarded they base s/he would have attained safely had there been no OBS. If the runner would not have scored, you must award 3B.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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