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Old Fri Aug 01, 2014, 10:44am
Reffing Rev. Reffing Rev. is offline
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new Kickoff procedure question

With the new restrictions on K's pre-kick allignment, what are other's ideas for facilitating this?

I'm thinking a pregame reminder with coach and have BJ wait with the kicker until the formation is legal (preventative) as long as possible.

3 of the teams on our schedule this hear like to take the RFP huddled up. This is fine as long as everyone (except the kicker) is within 5 yards and at the kick there are 4 to a side right? The BJ has to make sure that as they run out to their positions no one steps 5 yards out. Seems tough to watch 2 lines 5 yards apart.

The rules meeting video said that if a K playrer was touching any part of the line it was a foul,are we planning to split those hairs?
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