Thread: Final TO
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Old Thu Jul 03, 2003, 09:49am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Exclamation Re: Re: Well......

Originally posted by zebraman

Coaches shouldn't ref and refs shouldn't coach. Who are you to decide what is important and what is "too bad?" No wonder you are always worried about getting near the bench area with an attitude like that. Not only can't you follow the rule, now it's the coaches fault. More great comic material you provide to the forum.
I will remember your "follow the rules" montra, when you T a coach that has one foot out of the coaching box and he is talking to his team. I expect you give a T to that coach, because the rules says so. But then again, you have no common sense, so what else is new?

Originally posted by zebraman

There you go again. Sounds like instead of the coach not coaching, perhaps you shouldn't be officiating.
Maybe I should not, just because you said it. I will remember next time, to not invest in a company because you think it is a bad investment. Should I also ask you about my marriage plans. My vacation plans or what should I be doing over the weekend? You know how important your opinion is to me, you tell me?

Originally posted by zebraman

And who gets possession if we have a held ball and HOW MANY FREAKIN' TIME-OUTS DOES EACH TEAM HAVE? Pretty simple stuff for most officials.
Who gets possession of the ball does not rest only in the hands of the table by the way. If I know I gave it to white the last time, I am not going to give it to them again. But that is something I can keep track of much easier, than a possible 10 timeouts. Officials can usually remember who the tip when to, as a matter of fact, we might know who had possession and the table just points the way the ball ultimately went. But timeouts, when working a 3 man, I might personally have not called one timeout the entire game. So I at the very least understand I do not have any good knowledge of this situation. That is why the table has a pencil or a pen in their possession. When Honigs starts selling "Basketball information packages" I will do what you suggest.

Originally posted by zebraman

Like telling the coaches what is and isn't important? Rut's rules now extend to coaches as a bad virus
I just had the conversation and a situation happen at a camp that I attended this week. The head clincian told us not to worry about this, so I guess it would be hard to say it is "Rut's Rules" when it is taught in a camp that I had to pay money to attend. If it is not a major concern for the Head Clinician of the State of Illinois, it really is not a concern for me. And last time I checked, his resume was much more extensive than the one you or I own.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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