Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
This is true and the rule supports it.
AFA a play for INT, rule 8.2.F.1 does not mention a play or the word "play", but specifically does mention an attempt to field a batted ball.
Reading any more into it, IMO, could be considered just an attempt to justify a belief that is not supported by the rules.
Should it be changed? Probably, but until it is, why shouldn't the rule be applied as written?
So I'm a little confused here now. I thought you were arguing the same thing Steve was, foul ball in both cases. Now I think I understand your comment about slow pitch being irrelevant.
So am I correct in understanding that you're saying to rule on this as the rule book is written.
R1 at 3rd, R2 at 2nd, BR hits a weird bouncer into foul territory that hits a rock and is starting to head fair. R1 has already scored when the First baseman tries to glove the ball in foul territory to keep it foul. Seeing this the very alert BR pushes his glove out of the way. The ball rolls into first base causing it to come to rest.
Is your ruling: Dead ball at the time the glove is hit, interference, the runner is out. (Not sure if you'd score the run here or call BR out and then call it foul)?
Now same issue, but on the third base side with R2 committing the interference.
Ruling: Foul ball, R2 is guilty of interference but the penalty is just that the ball is foul?
Steve you haven't answered how you'd rule on these either, but I don't think you and Mike agree and I'd love to see you two settle it because when we started this I just thought the rule book was confusing for a play that I understood. Now I have no clue what is expected on this.