Originally posted by thumpferee
"this rule, which applies to EACH pitcher who enters the game."
See 3.03(c)
[Edited by thumpferee on Jul 3rd, 2003 at 05:16 AM] [/B][/QUOTE]
I don't agree, however, once a pitcher moves to another position that once he comes back to the mound he is considered to be entering the game again. He's already in the game. The term, "entering the game" is used to describe a player coming into the game from the bench who has not been in the game previously. An example of that distinction is the use of a Special Pinch Runner -- No Entry who must be a player who has not previously entered the game, meaning he or she hasn't appeared as a batter or fielder.
So far I still maintain the rule regarding visits to a pitcher is the total accumulation of visits in one game from the time that pitcher first enters the game.