Originally posted by Coachtindell
I am really only talking about umpires who, and there have been some on here, indicate they call a smaller than the rules strike zone on purpose, and then wear it like a badge of honor.
I am seldom dissatisfied with the calls, as I realize it is impossible to be perfect.
Just out of curiousity, why do you think anyone would call a smaller strike zone? An umpire who shrinks the strike zone is an idiot.
I get tired of hearing about how an umpire "squeezes" pitchers. It's not like we are on the clock and getting paid more the longer the game lasts. Games are long enough as it is without making the pitcher put the ball on a dime.
Did any of these coaches actually ever think that maybe their pitcher just isn't hitting the strike zone? Or do I once again have to hear about how little Suzie NEVER walks anyone, has perfect control of her 70 mph riser on her way to striking out 20 batters a game. And that is at the age of 12!
Overly sarcastic? Yep, but you wouldn't believe how often umpires hear this type of stuff.
I can buy the point that maybe an umpire just doesn't have a good strike zone or that s/he lost it for a batter or two (it happens!). But an umpire who intentionally shrinks their strike zone for any reason, needs to find a new sport.
A coach who believes that called balls are the umpires fault should go with them.