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Old Wed Jul 02, 2003, 11:51pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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A "...near physical impossibility"?


Fact: The human eye cannot follow the entire track of a thrown baseball because it cannot receive and interpret the visual input as fast as the ball travels. So it leaves out "frames" of information in order to keep up.


Fact: Human visual accuity is not good enough to discern even the smallest gap from over 15 feet away.

How small is the smallest gap? Are we now counting angels on the head of a pin?

Fact: The human male brain is biologically compartmentalised and so physically unable to focus on more than one thing at any time - a legacy of our historical social role and evolution as hunters.

No, that's opinion and it is currently the topic of hot debates in scientific and socialogical circles.

Given those facts, are you still going to claim that ties don't exist because Evans and the rules don't mention them? Phooey! *grin*

No. I will still claim that ties don't exist becuase they don't. I will claim that the rules were not intended to provide for ties because they were not. I will claim the historians and experts agree with this because they do.

Ties in baseball are the invention of minds who choose to percieve them. That does not make them ezist anywhere but in their world. In the real world of baseball at the minor and major league levels, and I believe, Div-1, there are no ties. There are events that demand decisions.

You should know that failure to mention a subject in a book does NOT constitute the passing of an authoritative opinion on the unmentioned subject.

That was not my claim, and I think you know that. Rewording someone's position and attempting to pass it off as representing their view does not constitute proper discourse.

Add that to your personal list of logical fallacies, GB.

(Sigh) This has obviously reached the point of diminishing returns and is bordering on tipping two old friends into something at least I prefer to avoid.

I will depart this thread realizing that I live in the real world and that regardless of those who choose perception over fact, I will follow the counsel of those who know the game, traditions and rules much better than you or I.

Don't worry, you'll get there! *BIG grin*

Been there.

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