Tue Jul 15, 2014, 07:39am
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Originally Posted by bsnalex
ISF Rules, Adult Rec Tournament this weekend.
Situation: No Outs, runners on first & second.
Ground ball to F6. Lobs to F5. Out at third. Ball was caught with R1 about 10 feet from 3B. R1 made no attempt to slide to beat the throw. After out was made, R1 collides with F5, but not so much as to knock F5 down, just stumble a couple steps back. R1 stumbles over into FT as well. I don't think for a second that runner was attempting to knock over F5, just didn't bother sliding or getting out of the way.
Runner is not required to slide or get out of the way
I call dead ball, and call R2 out. The rules state if the interference is an obvious attempt to break up a double play, the immediate succeeding runner will be called out. The conflicting argument I was replaying in my mind shortly after is no, this was not an obvious attempt, but F5 never had the chance to even cock his arm back. Based on how these fielders were playing in this particular game, and given R2's speed, and given F4 was already waiting at 2B for the double play, I surmised F5 would have had no problem turning a double play given the opportunity.
So my question is, despite the runner not making an obvious attempt to take out F5, did I make the right call?
Okay, you judged the contact as an act of INT. Not a problem. As noted, not required to slide or get out of the way, but that does not mean the runner has the right of way to interfere with the play.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.