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Old Wed Jul 02, 2003, 05:43pm
IHSAIllini IHSAIllini is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 54
It's somewhat ironic, because I never said what the zone I called was. I call one of the widest zones in the league, because I've grown tired of calling walk after walk.

I don't have a chip on my shoulder, sir, I'm just sick of hearing those complain who have never put on the blue shirt.

You keep pointing back to the rule book. Well, yes, there is a specific rule. Of coures, I might add that my games are under FED and not ASA, but that's just splitting hairs at this point. All I can tell you is that umpire judgement supersedes the rule book. And no, it is not a written rule. It is simply practical game manangement.

If you feel you're being slighted, it's understandable. Someone will be unhappy, usually the one on the worse end of the call...but oh well. A lot of things in life don't go exactly by the book, and if you don't believe me, try watching MLB one of these days.
Steve Ryan
Member: IHSA, GLOA
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