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Old Tue Jul 01, 2014, 01:58pm
chapmaja chapmaja is offline
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Worst think you've seen done to an official

This goes for all sports, even though I'm on the softball forum. What is the worst thing you have personally had done to you as an officials, or have personally witnessed being done to an official?

The reason I ask is the State of Michigan now has an idiot soccer player facing serious chargers have he punched a soccer referee who red carded (ejected) him. The referee has since died from the injuries.

I personally have never witnessed anything that serious happen. I had a softball player tell me he was going to see me in the parking lot after I ejected him from a game once, but that never happened (I was parked in a different lot).

I also had a part escort me and my partner to our cars yelling at us after a basketball game (MS 7th grade B level) once.

I guess I have been lucky to not have any serious crap happen to me or anyone near me while I officiated.

The only other stupid thing I saw was the flag football flying drop kick into a group of players. I was the referee and the team scored on a long pass play. Something happened and there was a crowd of players in the endzone. The QB takes off runs down and and takes off into a flying drop kick into the group of people (luckily the official there had already stepped back and was just watching the mess unfold). The best part was that the campus police were watching the game and he got dragged off the field in handcuffs for his little stunt (that and somehow nobody was seriously hurt by metal cleats flying through the air).
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