Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Yes, the dugout is within the umpire's jurisdiction which I indicated in my responses. AFA, the kicking of bats, odds are you are not going to know who did anything with the equipment unless you are standing there, watching the dugout. But if you are watching the dugout, who is watching what is happening on the field. Yeah, I know that is picking a nit, but IMO so is acting on anything which does not affect the game on the field. We have enough to do inside the fences without worrying about anything else.
I'm not disagreeing, just pointing out that the state HS league here places a great degree of emphasis on sportsmanship. Also, part of this is a safety issue for HS-age kids. And, the written rule deals with it directly and explicitly. If I only see the equipment flying, but don't know who, then a team warning follows.