Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
To start, I don't get offended. That is a wasted and self-inflicted emotion.
8U needs coaches, not umpires. They do not need the BS that goes with competition at that age whether you think it is good ball or not.
Look at all the drama in this simple case, whether from a lousy or power-tripping umpire or the coaches and/or parents.
It is and always has been my opinion that at that age, the priority should be instruction, not competition.
I'm glad that Rich's team doesn't take it that serious, but that is some really serious money and I'm willing to bet there is a parent to two already getting their pens out to endorse an NLI
I could send you a couple of emails I've gotten from parents.
Too bad for them I don't really give a flying you-know-what what they think.