Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
...However, when I see some team trying to put their ODB's in the wrong circle, I know that team is coming from some place that has made up rules, and I'm anticipating something idiotic from that coach (or parents or both) at some point.
I don't know if expecting something idiotic necessarily follows.
The "ODB uses the circle behind the batter" is almost 100% universal in MN for girls fastpitch.
The MSHSL (high schools) adopted this as an experiment with permission from the NFHS several years ago, and has retained it. At least a couple of years before that, the predominant girls fastpitch association in MN wrote it into their rule book, and it has since been adopted as a local rule by most fastpitch leagues.
It is viewed as a safety rule.
It is silly and unnecessary, of course. Besides the fact that being behind the batter is not actually safe, if the field really is too small to accommodate a proper distance from the ODC and the plate, just keep the ODB in the dugout!
Nonetheless, I wouldn't expect that all MN teams' coaches would be idiotic just because of this!