Originally Posted by Manny A
It started during the equipment check. Not one batting helmet had a chin strap, as required by ASA rules. When my partner and I pointed it out, we of course got the, "Well, the other umpires..." whine. Against our better judgment, we let it go and told them they needed to get chin straps for the next day's play.
That is not your call. The is up to the TD, not the umpire
A point of emphasis from the tourney staff was to ruthlessly enforce the rule requiring the batter to maintain one foot in the box. I had mentioned that to the coaches at the plate conference. Sure enough, the first batter for this team walked almost halfway up the third base line after a pitch to look for her coach's sign. I asked her to come back and keep a foot in the box. She did it again, and this time I addressed the coach:
That's were you start calling strikes for the rest of the game.
Why is there always one team that makes things that hard?
Because they don't really know how to play the game and they think they can get away with being asses away from home.
Once had a HS team and their parents that behaved so poorly on and off the field AT DISNEY they were asked to leave and never come back. Turns out the umpire was a friend of mine and gave me a heads up. I held a pre-game with the crew that had their first game back home. The PU warned them there will be no tolerance of........there was a list of about 6 things my friend noted and he covered them all. The coaches and captains stood there with their jaws dropped with a "how the **** did they know about that look" on their face. It was great!
Had the same thing at an Eastern National a few years back with a team from OH. TD couldn't wait to get rid of them.