Originally Posted by Dakota
Others have answered wrt the call itself. I'm commenting on the motivation of your partner.
This reads like he manipulated the timing of his call to avoid having to deal with a missed base appeal.
Or, worse, didn't think the runner would know she has to touch home if obstruction is called before she touches.
Hopefully, I'm misreading what you meant.
I suspect you are correct in the part about the runner not knowing. This was a 7th/8th grade Rec game.
To be honest I'm shocked that the runner actually did slide on the play considering during the middle school season I had to call her out on a similar play. Catcher had the ball and she took a chop at the glove of the catcher holding the ball as the catcher tried tagging her. The ball popped out and I called her out for interference. At least I know she was listening when the coaches told her to slide.