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Old Wed Jun 18, 2014, 03:36pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Literally ???

Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
Literally no one has ever done this ... No player has ever asked for this.
Literally? Really? I let all the players, including the captains, know that I'm ready to start, just before I sound my whistle for the opening jump ball. Since I don't ask for a "speaking" captain, I direct my comments to all ten players, which should include the two "speaking" captains, assuming that the two "speaking" captains are starters. We have officials that do ask for "speaking" captains, and several of them remember who they are and actually ask each individually, often by name, if they are ready before sounding their whistle for the opening tap.

AremRed: No player has ever asked you for a "lineup", or a "matchup"? You must be a rookie official with only ten, or fifteen, maybe twenty, years of experience. In thirty-three years I bet that I've been asked about a half dozen times, including a few in high school games. Of course, this rule did disappear from the rulebook for several years, and then magically reappear. We used to do this around the nearest of three, that's right, three, jump ball circles.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Jun 18, 2014 at 03:39pm.