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Old Wed Jun 18, 2014, 10:27am
BryanV21 BryanV21 is offline
Stubborn Member
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Columbus, OH
Posts: 1,517
We use the "speaking captain" more as a liaison between us and his/her teammates, not the only person on the team that can speak to us. That doesn't mean we won't talk to any of the players, but some times things happen in which we'll go to the "speaking captain" for help.

Take a situation in which a player is getting frustrated and could become a problem. We'll try and talk to the player, but the player clearly doesn't want to listen to us. In that case we'll go to the "speaking captain" and tell them to calm their team mate down. Sure, we may go to the coach instead or in addition to the "speaking captain", but there are cases in which having one "go to" player can come in handy.