My personal thought on charging is there are two types.
1) The defensive player is trying to draw a charge on an offensive play. (Steps into the path of an offensive player.)
2) The defensive player is maintaining his/her correct defensive position and gets charged into (ran over).
In scenario 1) above, I look for the defensive player to be set and square to the offensive player.
Set - Both feet on the playing floor.
Square - Feet and shoulders facing the offensive player.
In scenario 2) above, If I see the defensive player in a legal guarding position, I would need to see the offensive player going through the legal defensive position.
That leaves me room for no calls due to what I consider incidental contact.
Feel free to correct me if.
Off the subject - The rule books speak of offensive players, why doesn't it mention those offensive coaches?
- SamIAm (Senior Registered User) - (Concerning all judgement calls - they depend on age, ability, and severity)