Correct call?
Heard about this one in the rec league I work in. (ASA rules with local modifications, none of which apply to the situation.)
Field has a temporary fence.
Bases loaded nobody out. B4 hits a high fly ball that F9 going back to catch. The ball bounces off the glove of F9 as he crashes into the fence. The ball drops, hits the fence which is now collapsing and somehow ends out outside the fence. F9 picks the ball up and throws it back in. R1 scores. R2 misses 3rd base and scores. R3 misses the plate when he comes in. B4 misses first on his way to second. The umpire kills the play. Awarding R1 home, R2 home, R3 third, and B4 second. All activity has stopped and then the defense then appeals R2 missing third, and B4 missing first. They also appeal R3 missing home, which is denied because R3 never legally scored since the award was 3nd base.
When the next pitch was thrown, R3 was on third, R4 was on 2nd, and B5 was up to bat.
Was the umpire correct in his ruling on the play?
This is why it is called WRECK League Slow pitch.