Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
Also ... to Dakota...
If you, TPTB, are not allowing the "protest" 2 innings later to fix the score because it was not made in time, then how can you allow the "protest" after the game to reverse the score change that the umpires made to fix that score - if THAT change was not protested at the proper time, but rather after the game was over?
If adding the run was wrong - yet was not protested at the moment they put the run back on... doesn't your same "deny the untimely 'protest'" logic not allow you to fix it at this point?
Maybe I wasn't stating my position clearly, (and I am NOT in the category of "TPTB") but the opportunity to lodge the protest is in the inning the wrong rule was applied. I was arguing that the time had passed and the after the fact correction should not have been allowed. Where did you get from what I posted that I would have recognized a protest later in the game? I was saying the opposite.