Love the dialogue. But this fact remains as was previously mentioned: There was precedent set in an MLB game just a year or so ago!
True, this is FED softball, not MLB. But the rules on scoring runs with two outs (timing play, appeals, etc. etc.) are the same in both organizations for this particular scenario. And in the MLB game, there was a protest lodged when the run was counted two innings later, the protest was considered by the powers-that-be, and it was denied. The end result was that the run counted because it legally scored; there was no replay from the time of the mistake, and no removal of the run because the offended team did not file a protest when the run was initially disallowed.
So, what happened in this high school game is almost exact to what happened in the MLB game, minus the opportunity for the losing team's coach to have a protest heard. I seriously doubt these umpires ruled the way they did because of what happened in the MLB game; they probably had no clue of that history. But there's no denying that they did what their professional colleagues did under similar circumstances.
All that said, shame on these umpires (in both games) for initially screwing up a relatively simple concept when it comes to scoring runs. But the runs did properly and legally scored, and must be recognized.
"Let's face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can't resist." -- Bob Uecker