Originally Posted by Dakota
C'mon, Mike. The protest needs to be filed in the time allowed (during which the umpires may have seen their error and corrected it), or if not, the protest is ruled on later, and the game replayed from the point of the irroneous ruling.
But those options were not permitted. It is what it is, and the final score was correct. Would you be so forgiving if the umpires refused to allow the run acknowledging their mistake, but said, "tough shit, you are too late to argue" and the headlines read "Umpires Kicked Call Costs Team Shot At Championship"?
I understand what the rules state, as does Steve. Yes it is a tough decision, but it is based on irrefutable facts based on what the teams actually did on the field, not on some award or presumed advance based on a judgment of what may or may not have happened.
You seem to be focused on the "jeopardy" part of this or something. It was a misinterpretation of the definition of a force out that needs to be corrected... but corrected properly.
No, the jeopardy is coming from the rule you are promoting as the cause for not making the correction.
And, don't give me the "always give 110%" speech. If a team is down by a run in the late innings, they will take greater risks. For example, runner on 3rd, attempt a squeeze play. If the scored is tied, they will not necessarily attempt such a risky play. I shouldn't have to tell you this.
Actually, I would never change my philosophy. You use the plays the players are capable of making regardless of the situation. If you have a combination capable of executing a squeeze play, I would use it if it gave me better odds of scoring a run. Don't care what the score is. I'm a firm believer in hitting the opponent until the referee tells you to stop. I believe the same is true in all sports. You don't want to be run-ruled or embarrassed, learn how to play better or change your scheduling priorities.
This was a protest situation that was not followed by the offended team. And, as I posted earlier, if the state league is not allowing protests, then there is no remedy for this at all.
If this can be corrected as it was, how long is too long? Later that evening? The next day? After the following game in the post season has been played?
If it can't be corrected 5 days later, where is your rule book now?
But is wasn't 5 days later. It was then and there on the field while the game was still in progress. This is why there should always be a UIC on site in championship play and instantly accessible the moment a coach uses the "P" word.
Of course, it should never come the this and the umpires should be embarrassed and have probably lost a fair amount of integrity over this. But when it does, there needs to be some common sense and that is why the UIC gets the big bucks.