Originally Posted by jmkupka
I know MyReferee (ArbiterSports.com) has been discussed here for its less-than-accurate information, but am I missing something here, about how to handle an obvious INT?
R1 is on first base with no outs when B2 hits a ground ball to F4. F4 is fielding the ball when R1 accidentally runs into F4, knocking her to the ground and obviously causing her to misplay the ball. The base umpire makes no call and R1 advances to third and B2 stops at first. Now what?
a. The plate umpire should call time and immediately take charge by declaring R1 out.
b. The plate umpire should make the call only when the defensive coach asks him to rule on the play.
c. If the defensive coach complains to the plate umpire, the plate umpire should tell the coach to discuss the play with the base umpire.
d. When the play is over, the base umpire should openly call to the plate umpire for his or her opinion of the play.
e. The base umpire may confer with the plate umpire about the play when requested to do so by the defensive coach.
f. There is no interference because R1 accidentally ran into F4.
g. The plate umpire should automatically call out both R1 and B1.
h. After a private discussion between the umpires, the umpiring crew may summon both coaches to the conference and announce that R1 is indeed out for interference and B2 is awarded first base.
Answer – c, e, f (ASA 8-7J-1, NFHS 8-6-10a; NCAA 12.9.7 Effect; USSSA FP 8-18G; USSSA SP 8-5B)
If the PU saw the INT, s/he should have killed the play immediately and made the appropriate ruling. This is based on the assumption that there is no question of INT in the PU's view.
If the PU did not take any action, the BU may ask for the partner's help when the play is over whether asked or not, but hopefully it never gets to that point.
No mention of deflection, so why the F!
Because there are still people that insist on intent and "accidents" are no one's fault and should just be overlooked.